Sabrina Nichole, LLC
“Spiritually-focused wellness with a personalized touch”
Spirituality is a crucial part of your wellness, helping you to understand Self and connect with Others. Your spiritual path to wholeness doesn’t have to be defined by religious rigidity. This is your journey, done your way, to a deeper and healthier relationship with the Divine. Sabrina Nichole wants to journey with you!
More About Sabrina
Our Services
Sabrina Nichole has one passion: Helping people grow spiritually to improve their overall wellness. She works with individuals, groups, and organizations using her C2T2 Formula.
C2T2 Formula
Coaching, Consulting, Teaching & Training
Sabrina helps clients align their beliefs, behaviors and spiritual practices for improved wellness. She also consults with businesses and faith communities to design and implement programs that nurture the spirituality of their members. She achieves this by combining elements of pastoral care, spiritually-integrated counseling, curriculum design, and leadership development.
The outcome? Living into one’s higher Self, connecting more authentically with the Divine, and subsequently connecting more deeply with Others.
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